jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Home at Days End

The wood fires are going and Vinnie is inside and resting. I relentlessly took care of my responsibilties and now am wrapped in the warmth of "Maggie" the wood / gas combo cast iron woodstove in the kitchen. Over 150 years old and still heat'n up. Both stoves going tonight, it's a cold chill out there. Time for renewal of planet earth. Time for renewal of human souls I might add as well. Bushes wrapped in burlap to survive the cold air, 84 jars of Bread and Butter pickles, (home-made) put up, and the wood under cover. Bring it on! (the cold winter that is)


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