Fire Alert - Friday, 14, November

Well, I came home on Friday night after work as usual for my "chill" night after a long week, of course , they're all long weeks to me. Anyway, some dinner, news, and just being with the dogs hanging out. Later I put them out to relieve their bladder, I call it "peeing the dogs".
Dogs peed, lights out, etc we all went to bed.
At 2:15a.m., My bigger dog Pate came and woke me up. I was first somewhat grumpy, thinking, "didn't you pee already? Now you've got more?, Well, maybe you have an upset stomach"
SO I bring him out to the deck area and instead of turning right for the steps, he went left to the far end of the deck, smelling the air ...........sniffing constantly.
It was silent outside so I thought he caught wind of some animal. We do have fisher cats, coyote's, bear, bob cats, and some stray wolfs (they actually got free by accident from the local university study program). He sniffed the air constantly, but was only slightly alarmed. Dogs, in general, (varies with species) have a 1000 times greater sense of smell than humans.
I brought him in. The next morning was Saturday and while I was watching the news, there it was, a story about a house that burned to the ground, at exactly the time Pate was sniffing the air. The house is about 3/4 of a mile away through woods, on another road that runs parallel to mine.
These animals of ours DO have a sixth sense. No doubt in my mind. However, perhaps it's not a sixth sense but a enhanced version of the 5 senses. I've read articles that explain, perhaps as I said, animals have an increased ability in all their senses, they are JUST BETTER than us. Either way, I feel lucky to have my fiends along with me in my travels through life.
The cats and dogs that find their owners miles away, the dogs that predict illnesses, cats predicting death,, there is so much more to our animal friends.
Well, I was proud of Pate and if there ever was a fire here, I am comforted he would wake me immediately.
Have a Good Week, and drop by to say hello, but remember to give extra hugs to our feathered and fury friends sharing the planet with us.
Labels: dogs, family, learning, memories, pets, philosophy, pondering, spiritual, towns, varmints, wisdom
You have a really smart dog there, you are lucky to have her. Dogs can be so wise.
A Happy Thanksgiving is wished for you and your family.
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