jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

jurneez - the unconventional

Chapter One
Where exactly do I began? The beginning is too conventional. The beginning is only the beginning chronologically, not in reality. Maybe I'll start from here and go backwards as that's the truest form of expressing my lessons learned.
Lessons learned – where do they come from and why do we resist the lesson?
I hug trees. They know more than I do. I cry at beauty, it shows me more than I look to find.
At this stage in my life, I'm giving away the stones I've collected over the years. Pieces of great grand mothers collected items. Stones of various shapes and sizes, not really stones at all. Meanings and items that no longer hold emotion.
It is a good thing to transcend the corral of physicalness. Once you can say you're stepping outside the corral, you'll discover how much you've gained, by discarding the stones which are weight on our plane of attachments.

And slowly we start....dah dah dah dahhhhhh.....
“Entering what she says?”
“ Entering a world different than
you know.” (said the voice)
“Oh how wonderful, but will I miss the world I know?”
Said she....
and the voice says, "your world travels with you, you
make your world where ever you are, They (worlds) are
not a possession, they are a feeling”.....Said the
She wept as she heard truth.

Has this ever happened?....When you realize you put your own constraints/restraints on yourself.
Open up as many worlds as you want and travel with them all, once created, never dissipates.
Once energy, it doesn't fade away, it only gains more strength with every thought given to it. Our thoughts will create our environment, our reality, our personal world. Our souls have to gain awareness and experience to age. Oh yes, they age, but it's not that an old soul is better than a young soul. Yes, it has gained more experiences and thus possibly more wisdom but at the expense of losing spontaneity and the desire to break out of boxes.
Young souls with less experience have excitement in them but lack discipline. They look outward whereas older souls look inward. Older souls may be any physical age, did you ever look into a child's eyes and think he looks like a wise old man. Perhaps, exactly, he is a wise old soul.
Listen to your heart, hear it. Speak with your soul. Experience with understanding. Get outside, for the trees know more then we do. Touch one.
Jurneez and Vinnie the Dog


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