Spring on The Farm
Look, reach out, touch the gifts around us.
There are so many.
I have been trying to realize it’s not so important to do that last chore of the day when a grandson is waiting to play. I had a wonderful experience with one of them on Sunday. I did not control the direction of the day, I allowed him to, for the most part. He read to me, not I to him. He taught me things on the computer, not I him. He was so much fun to be with. He climbed up on the couch and we watched a movie and repeatedly he said “Nani, I love you” or “Nani, I’m so glad we could spend today together” He melted my heart. What a joy.
This is Heather and Zyg. Daughter-in-law and grandson. Back a few years ago. The other is Ryan, my son and his daughter Nikki.
The kids: Laura and Ryan:
My own children are doing well. They continue to help me out here and take the burden of heavy chores off me. I am so very content to remain in my home and continue to renovate and do the gardens. I remain active around here but find I sure do like relaxing at night. A summer’s eve here with the sun shining in is so very soothing.This is Heather and Zyg. Daughter-in-law and grandson. Back a few years ago. The other is Ryan, my son and his daughter Nikki.

Krista: Found my Krista, what else is there to say. My circle is whole now.
Although, I enjoy a summer rain on the front porch where I can watch the clouds drift by and get lost in the music of the rain drops. A symphony of sounds as they say. Last night I saw a rainbow while driving home from work……..what a gift., wasn’t a rainbow a gift from God to Man? I think so.
The house: Always still coming along with projects, never a dull moment. Had 5 huge trees taken down this winter. One was 42” across the base, (not around) but across.
Yeppers, that’s firewood for next winter. Yee Haw! Won’t be spending money on wood……..Cutting and splitting is a gift from my son and two friends who are so gracious to assist me and I’m feeling lucky to have them….When someone feels as lucky as I do, it almost comes off as bragging, but I’m not, I rea

The Dogs: As most of you know I save and rescue dogs from the kill shelters or .org’s that are searching for “forever” homes. My two are doing fine, pics are in other spots on the blog. Same old, same old. Of course this is besides working full time a the daily newspaper. This is a shot of them relaxing, and the bamboo shades making stripes on them....and everything else.
FACEBOOK – I’ve entered the world of virtual reality. With the prodding of my friends I have become one of the many FB addicts. I admit, I check in often and plan some things around the times of gaming chores to do. Well, I find I’m as much of an addict as all my friends…….my friends live all over New England, as most and many come from the Honda Element Club I belong to. We have a club that is very active with meets and friendly camping trips all over New England. Anyway, It’s been fun to see them in fb and chat a little. Who wadda thunk it? Me, the hermit, the loner, the home-body, all of a sudden on facebook……geeese, what’s next?
So with this quick note, I call to all of you to let life be enjoyed. It's a pleasure to be alive and try not to waste time, it's a very valuable item to have. I was really intending on saying something really important on this blog but as usual I just blogged about life....
Stay Healthy, enjoy your family and pets.....
Spring was and is still my Favorite Time of the Year. It was also my Grandfathers as well, for which I am named.
Glad that your family is doing so well, enjoy your Grandson Jurn, they grow up so fast and become independent.
Nice to have an update on the dogs and that they have settled in and are a part of your family.
I have been on the Facebook for the last couple years. I don't use it much but have been re-aquainted with friends from years ago.
If you'd like to be friends on the Facebook send me an email and I'll reply with the email to find me on the Facebook.
Thanks for stopping by the other day, I miss your visits and when you stop by it is like a visit from a friend from times past.
You have a Wonderful Spring and Happy Summer.
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