jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Closing the Circle - June, 2010

God delivers what we need. Not always is it what we want. Wishes and wants are not always what we need.
They are glitter, they are shiny, they are useless in the real existence of your life usually. What we need doesn't always seem like it at the time. Angels of loved ones past, are here to help us. They hear you. They watch you. Angels are always around until they have done their job in that realm. My angels brought to me many gifts of love, in many forms.

Recently, without going into details, I was in touch with a dear loved one from 38 - 40 years ago. The voice was uplifting. The energy was warm and healing. The need to want to see this person is high. No need to establish anything, just to see....

Getting older has brought much wisdom. Long hours of thought has given me realistic outlooks on the avenues in my life.
Finding Freddie is heart warming for Krista. My heart strings are being tugged at the foundation. My heart songs are being played.
My circle is rather complete now. All is well. All is calm.

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Blogger Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

God does deliver what we need, even when we can't see it. I am glad to read that all is well with you and you were in touch with a Loved One from oh so long ago.

12:42 PM  

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