jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter On The Farm

Here's a few pics of the place where the dogs run wild......(not really of course).
But the Wild does come in and visit. Wildlife;
Deer, bobcat, fisher cats, turkeys, neighbors dogs, roaming cats, other small critters and once in a while a bear. Although not seen by me, only my neighbor. Pics were from the phone so not quite clear.
One is the unused fire pit on this cold winter day and one is part of the driveway. Well, back out to shovel again. Will post later.
