jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year 2005

Happy New Year and Be Safe My Friends........
from jurneez end digital farm

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Home at Days End

The wood fires are going and Vinnie is inside and resting. I relentlessly took care of my responsibilties and now am wrapped in the warmth of "Maggie" the wood / gas combo cast iron woodstove in the kitchen. Over 150 years old and still heat'n up. Both stoves going tonight, it's a cold chill out there. Time for renewal of planet earth. Time for renewal of human souls I might add as well. Bushes wrapped in burlap to survive the cold air, 84 jars of Bread and Butter pickles, (home-made) put up, and the wood under cover. Bring it on! (the cold winter that is)

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

jurneez blog

There's always time for the first time!
But Remember less is more......
which is what happens later on..........tee hee