jurneez Institute For Better Living, where the Dogs run wild and the wild run fast.

Pate - Vinnie's spiritual offspring - has found a home at jurneez End, a shelter dog that is worth every hair I vac up. He's a protector! And now another rescue, Mya. Little but mighty. My gardens just love them.

Location: New England, United States

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. -- Tagore

Friday, August 15, 2014

Small Town Living and Chores

My persistence goes on following up on a multitude of projects I have yet to do and it seems Fall is closing in quickly. Does this sound familiar? I rise in the morning with gratitude that I could....I first attack my list before the mid-day heat. Wandering out to the hummingbird feeders to wash and fill....starts out good. Along the way I see the step ladder left out, grabbed it to put away, turn around, head further out, saw the wagon right side up, turned it over, headed out again, saw the brush pile had dried, broke it up for burning, headed out (again to the feeders)....saw the shed doors open...on the way to the doors I saw rocks, on the small wall, out of place in the garden.....I relocate the flat rock and to my surprise, the hornets I tried to negotiate with last month would have no part of their rock being moved...they won...I got stung....no more negotiations.....and continued to shed doors...closed them, headed out.....saw the extension ladder still up along the eaves from repairs, took it down and headed out to the feeders.....saw the barn drive way spot light needed repair....made note, ...now what was I doing and where was I going....????
Ahhhh...think I'll just sit on the porch and soak in the rest of the morning.....just as I sat down...peered outward and saw the feeders....I remembered..I had to fill the feeders....I headed out with no stops......Success.

I know I'm not alone in having multiple inspirational and disciplinarian thoughts interrupting my daily routine. In my 35 years living in Hampton I have never had a straight run to accomplish a task with out the relentless sights and sounds altering my direction.
Everyday life. Enjoy.


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Life in a small town......

What a morning....up at 3:45 a.m....out the door and on the road at
4:12 a.m. to help with someones barn animals...... a feeding....Saw the cutest
2 or 3 week old fawn near the barn. Came back home at sunrise......crashed ON the bed jeans and all.
Suddenly...thump de thump...Oh no, I know that sound at this time of year.......fledglings hitting the window....two because of the double thump de thump. Sure enough 2 of them on the ground.....but they crashed into and through a white faced hornets nest on their way down. I quickly grabbed the hornet spray but that, and the extras, were empty as well from repairs being done on the eaves. ….....oh my...now what? I navigated through the garden to move the fledglings to a safer place. I tried to negotiate with the hornets but they wouldn't hear of it. Now ... what to do about the hornets nest which happens to be 2 feet from the dog tie. Cool outside at 55 degrees and now it's only 6:30 a.m. …...the answer......burn the huge 8 inch nest. I did...with a long handled lighter for the wood stove. Success...but after 3 times. Now I turn my attention back on the fledglings One died. Broken neck. The other I comforted until it flew off. I buried the poor little dead one. 6:45 a.m. Now...back On the bed...jeans and all.

Now that's a Life!


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